Saturday 23 January 2010

The Ophelia Project moves into 2010

Today was the first rehearsal of The Ophelia Project of 2010. We welcomed two new performers, Sophie Linin and Umi Pratsis, to our group and worked on learning the material as well as developing a new floorwork section. We are working towards the second sharing of The Ophelia Collective which is due to take place in February at Chisenhale Dance Space.

We are also working towards our performance at Scratch night at Brockley Jack Theatre on 21st March.

Saturday 2 January 2010

after Crimbo

I wrote so many things today, it looks like I have too much time!
But I prefer having time, than not having time, if you know what I mean. Because actually I think that you are not necessary able to "have" time. Forgive me my words as I am still coming back to life after New Years Eve party which was kind of spectacular this year.
Please feel free to look up for my private blog which probably shows what Uncle Booze can or cannot do. But being serious, which is what might prove dangerous when talking about my case, it is not necessary the effect or alcohol misuse, but permanent personality disruptions.

I wish you all the best in New Year.
I wish you guys celebrations of Every Second, and let the fireworks go!

PS- I can also ruin New Year!