The doors open at 7:30pm and the show starts at 8pm. The admission fee is £5 on the door. After the show at around 11pm there will be an afterparty until 2am.
Lots of performances - a few drinks - a night of truly artistic performances
When you buy your ticket please mention THE OPHELIA PROJECT as we get £1.50 back from the price of your ticket.
Really look forward to seeing you there!!
The Ophelia Project
Confirmed cast list: Nicola Higgins, Umi Pratsis, Beverley Palmer, Andi Snelling, Natalie Karamichali and Mabel Encinas.
Director: Rhiannon Brace
Lights/Design and Technical Support: Alison Alexander.
Assistant director: Alison Alexander
The Others
6 and 8 Manor Road London N16 5SA
Tube: Finsbury Park, then 106 bus
Train: Stoke Newington (from Liverpool Street)
Buses: 67, 73, 76, 106, 149, 243, 476 (all stop @ Stoke Newington BR)