Saturday, 10 October 2009

News on Stone Project

Hi All!
We came to the end with filming first part of a film. Now, on Tuesday, we'll start filming second part, what is really exciting (I hate this word, can you tell my WHY?). Oh, and here are photos, photos from few last sessions!
On photos you can see Magda Miziak, Asia Barlińska, Agata Kwiek, Ola Piechnik (+ her shadow, haahaa), Ula Koss, Sylwia Kowalska and me.
I'm busy doing some serious film editing. While doing it, I found loads of funny stuff. I think seeing it together might be funny experience. So don't hesitate to look up for a short film of funny outtakes! (The second part of outtakes is coming soon :)


1 comment:

  1. Joanna!

    I always like your photos of the "Stone Project" on our blog.

    Regina :-)
